Human beings have been consuming insects for thousands of years. The practice of eating insects, known as Entomophagy, is common in most parts of Asia, Africa, South America, Australia, and New Zealand. In fact, more than 80% of the world’s nations started to eat insects on a regular basis.

Large animals like cows and pigs need considerable resources to grow. Not only do they eat a lot of food, but they also need huge quantities of water and land. Livestock is responsible for a considerable amount of deforestation in almost the world and contributes greatly to climate change.
Insects, on the other hand, are great in the natural environment and are small resource-intensive. There are forty tons of insects for every human on the planet and more than 1,900 species of insects are edible. They are a large and sustainable source of food that does not take considerable space to grow.
Insects can also be used to clean up the waste products of food production. For example, mealworms will eat wheat waste that is generally discarded when wheat is milled. Not only will they use this wasted resource, but they will also generate a new source of protein for consumption by humans or other animals.

Mealworm is the larval form of the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio Molitor, a species of darkling beetle. Like all holometabolous insects, they go through four life phases: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Larvae generally count about 2.5 cm or more, and adults are between 1.25 and 1.8 cm in length.
Mealworms are generally used as pet food for detained reptiles, fish, and birds. They are also used to feed wild birds in bird feeders, especially during the nesting season. Mealworms are valuable for their high protein content.
Mealworms contain high-quality protein, vitamins, and amino acids. The health benefits of mealworms correlate to that of meat or fish. They contain monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids which are essential parts of a healthy, balanced diet. There have even been studies to indicate that consuming insect protein could decrease cholesterol.
Insect consumption is far more eco-friendly than meat consumption because insects consume far fewer resources. One study indicated that crickets need six times less feed than cattle to produce the same amount of protein. Insects are also more efficient at turning food into nutrients for human consumption than other varieties of livestock. Insects restore 2 kg food into 1 kg of usable insect mass, whereas cattle need 8 kg of food per 1 kg of body weight gain. That means we now have a lean protein source that doesn’t cost us the earth.
to learn more about mealworms, how to feed them to your pets, or where to purchase mealworms, get in touch with Pro-meal. We are the supplier of mealworms, both live and dried, available for purchase. Also, we can answer all your questions about storage, feeding, and nutrition.
Why Purchase From Pro-meal?
Fresh and Healthy Worms- Our mealworms both live and dried are packaged fresh and at the peak of their nutrition cycle. 100% grown and processed in India.
Organically Grown- We feed our worms strictly Organic Feeds including fruits and vegetables. This ensures that you will get all-natural chemical-free worms for your pets.
Reliable Supply- Imagine you feed your pets mealworms for a week and next week there's no supply! URGH! Our production ensures regular reliable supply.
Pathogen Free- We regularly test all our batches of worms for pathogens like salmonella, Ecolli, and bacteria. This Live Delivery ensures 100% safe feeding for your pets!
Note- If you order live, you should get the worms live. We guarantee Live delivery of worms. If you receive otherwise, you are entitled to a replacement/ refund.